Monday 14 November 2011


Whether you have had your eyes on him for a while or he merely caught your attention five minutes ago at the bar, the moment he asks you out you will feel flattered, excited and giddy, but then the panic will start to set in; what on earth am I going to wear?

Whilst we can't come to your house and pick the perfect outfit for your sizzling date, we can give you some general style tips to ensure first impression success.

1) More is less

Flashing a bit of flash can be key to attracting male attention but on a first date it is a big fat no. No tight short dresses. No boob tubes. No spaghetti straps. No mini skirts. No hot pants. No boobs in the face. Why? Let me explain two very simple reasons...

Reason number one - You need to leave a bit to the imagination. If you are going to turn up in a low-cut fitted top or a tiny little skirt then he may as well of seen you naked. Wearing something that shows more of your body than covers it is a big mistake; you've given him everything you have to offer. You need to create an aspect of mystery and intrigue to leave him wanting more. 

Reason number two - The whole point of a first date is to get to know each other, how do you expect the poor bloke to concentrate when all he can see staring back at him is a whole lot of skin or a whole lot of cleavage? Men have enough trouble concentrating as it is, don't make it more difficult. And if you do decide to go on your first date wearing next to nothing, don't complain to your friends the next day that he wasn't looking in to your eyes when speaking to you.

2) Be comfortable

Don't wear heels you can't walk in or a dress you can't sit down in, men want to know that you are confident and comfortable with what you are wearing and who you are. If you turn up cluttering around the place and tripping over in your six inch heels he won't think 'wow her legs look amazing in those shoes' he will think 'wow what on earth is she doing'. If you don't feel right in what your wearing then it certainly shows. 

3) Don't be too fashionable

Don't pick out the most stylish top in your wardrobe or the dress you bought because it was featured in Glamour magazine. Your outfit may be stylish enough to make Cheryl Cole envious but there is a high chance he won't see that. What may be undoubtably fashionable on the red carpet is likely to be considered a bit wacky by the bloke you are trying to impress. 

4) Don't wear too much make-up

No false eyelashes, layers of glitter eye shadow, or bright pink lip liner. Quite frankly make-up scares men. Ok... they don't want to see your spots or the bags under your eyes but they certainly don't want you to look like a china doll either. If your face looks too 'perfect' then they are going to be afraid to touch you, so you can say goodbye to a kiss at the end of the night. And is by some chance he does embrace you and go in for a quick snog, he is going to be more concerned about your make-up smearing all over his shirt rather than how the kiss feels. Not only this, but if your face is caked in make-up then the man will be left wondering; "is this what she really looks like?". The fear of waking up in the morning and not recognising the woman sleeping next to you can be too much for most men to handle. 

5) Do wear sexy underwear

Regardless of whether you are hoping for a bit of action make sure you wear a matching sexy underwear set. Dressing from the inside out can do wonders for your confidence and make you take charge of the situation. And if you do get a bit tipsy and things do accidentally move a bit to quickly... well it's best to be prepared isn't it. 

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